This river otter was proudly donated by:
David and Anne Pierce and Family
This river otter is named:
Ohana is Hawaiian for family and family is very important to us. We moved to Fredericksburg right after we got married in 1981 and all our boys were born and raised here. Fredericksburg has been “Family” to all of us. From our vocations, our friends, our educators, our grandchildren (children’s children), all these things have made up the fabric of our “family” and we are richer for it. We are pleased to be part of making the otters part of our Fredericksburg family.
We chose to donate to this effort because we want to support the sense of “Family” that we feel here Fredericksburg and to share that with our neighbors and visitors to our family’s city.
We love the prevailing quality of life that we experience here and feel that the way the otters represent the Rappahannock River, and its central symbol of that quality is a wonderful illustration and draws attention to that quality of life.
By The Pierce Family