This river otter family was proudly donated by:
The Card Cellar
Bart Goldberg and Lenny and Penny Goldberg
The river otter, two pups, and shad fish are named:
“Rose, Penny, Lenny and Lily”
When I first heard about the Otter-ly Amazing Fredericksburg Project I was excited and interested in it! As I thought more about it and how much I love downtown Fredericksburg I became even more enthusiastic. I moved my store, The Card Cellar, downtown over ten years ago and I also live downtown so I feel a strong bond to the community.
I wanted to help with the project and thought what better way than to name an otter after one of my favorite people ever, Rose, my grandmother. Rose was a fun-loving person who loved to laugh, joke, and play games! I couldn’t think of a better tribute to her than a public sculpture that will bring joy to generations of children.
Once I found out that the bronze otters in Riverfront Park would consist of a mother and two pups it was natural to pay tribute to the other very influential and important people in my life…my mom and dad, Penny and Len. My dad often introduces them as Penny and Lenny since it is a fun rhyme so the pups will be Penny and Lenny!
My daughter, Lily Rose, is named after two grandparents and so to continue the family tribute the bronze shad in the park is named Lily and will be right next to Rose!
Family is a very important part of my life and so is Fredericksburg! I love that I can pay tribute to my family and contribute public art to improve the great city of Fredericksburg that is home to both me and my business!
By Bart Goldberg